Stop wasting food.
Start saving money!

Keep track of food expiration dates
and never throw out another product.

App store Google play
You have 4 expired products!
1 product will expire

Save money and protect our planet


per year

in food products gets wasted by
the average 4-person family in the US.

*Food Waste in America in 2022 (

That’s more than enough for the family
to buy groceries for an entire month!

Around 11% of all human-caused greenhouse gas
emissions could be prevented by limiting food waste.

Why Fridger?

Easy collaboration

Share your lists
with household members.

Convenient reminders

Never forget another product
in the back of your fridge.

Organized fridge

Manage and update
your groceries with ease.

Add your products in a flash

Only takes 3 seconds

They’re already rescuing food with Fridger

Ann D

This app simply makes life easier. Easier to remember about the products you already have and easier to keep the fridge clean, and I can even share all my lists with my husband.



I’ve always been aware of the problem with food waste, so I was trying to deal with it by sticking post-it notes on my fridge or using a simple to-do list. It did work for a while, but after getting Fridger I can’t imagine going back to my old methods!



Just one product you forgot about and then rescued makes the app more than worth its price. And you don’t even have to pay if you don't need to share your fridge info with other people.
